230 minutes

How much time I spent on Workspaces last week

230 minutes.

That’s exactly how much time I spent actually working on Workspaces last week — everything from the social channels to sending the actual email.

Let’s take a look at the breakdown of where my time was spent.

You’ll notice that the majority of time was spent managing the social channels (mainly Twitter).

This could 100% be streamlined.

Since April 2021 I have tweeted 5,000+ times from the branded account. 0 of these have been scheduled tweets.

I’m truly playing the social game on hard mode.

The second largest bucket of time went to the website at just over an hour. This is where I take the interview content from email to Webflow for the world to see.

Nearly 5 years in and I’m still spending my time doing this as part of my Saturday morning routine instead of knocking it out throughout the week.

I’m sure my wife has feelings about this 😅

Sending the actual email to the 14,500 subscribers is simply copy/pasting from Webflow and doing some light formatting.

Sponsor outreach/comms is fairly light in the middle of the month. This definitely picks up a bit in the last week of the month as I lock down new sponsors and gather assets (will cover this process in a separate post at some point).

Misc. covers things like making setups in Visual Electric and begging them to sponsor the newsletter and getting stuff ready for taxes.

Note: While I only spent 230 minutes working on Workspaces, I probably spent 10x that thinking about Workspaces.

This week felt like a typical week of Workspaces so it’s probably safe to say that I typically spend anywhere from 2-5 hours on it each week.

I’m actually surprised that it was this much time, tbh. When you’re hopping in and out of Twitter whenever you have time, emailing sponsors as they send something, etc. it all slowly adds up.

The majority of this work could 100% be streamlined down to 1-2 hours — but I actually enjoy the “work” and process behind the majority of this.

What’s the point of a side project if you don’t get to run it in your own chaotic way?

Workspaces has grown to 14,500+ subscribers and 50,000+ social followers off of a very simple and calculated assumption.

I’ll be sharing this playbook aka the Workspaces social strategy next Sunday.

Stick around.